Seungweon's Blog

in Portland, Oregon

How to setup the cross-plaform development environment for Linux and Windows with wxWidgets.

Even though gcc 4.3.0 is released, there are several problems such as error in F77 compilation error and MingW32 compilation error in Linux. So, I have stuck with version 4.2.4 for saving time. Below, I have repeated the original program using separate build directories. If you do this, all the compilers and cross-compilers, are able to compile, at least, C, C++, Fortran and Java code. I made no attempt to incorporate ADA into the mix.



This is an outline of what we will do:

  1. compile a C,C++,Java,Fortran,ObjC,ObjC++,treelang compiler for Linux
  2. compile a C cross-compiler for Linux (needed to compile system libraries)
  3. compile a C,C++,Java,Fortran,ObjC,ObjC++ cross-compiler for Linux
  4. compile a C,C++,Java,Fortran,ObjC,ObjC++ compiler for Windows
  5. compile a C,C++,Java,Fortran cross-compiler for Windows

Compiler (1) runs on a Linux box and produces binaries that will run under Linux
Compiler (3) runs on a Linux box and produces binaries that will run under Windows
Compiler (4) runs on a Windows box and produces binaries that will run under Windows
Compiler (5) runs on a Windows box and produces binaries that will run under Linux

I have recently added some extra sections:

(6) How to use the Cross-Compiler(s) you built in step 3.
(7) Adding the language ADA to the mix.
(8) Using the Compiler(s) you built in step 1.
(9) General Remarks.

Make sure that you have the following programs and packages installed.

For SuSE 10.0: gcc libgcc glibc glibc-devel glib2 glib2-devel ncurses ncurses-devel gcc-c++ libstdc++ libstdc++-devel.

For Debian: emacs21 bzip2 gcc libncurses5-dev libc6-dev libc6-dev-i386 lib32gcc1 g++ libstdc++6-4.1-dev (and gnat if you want ADA).

You may also need to install autoconf and automake.

You will need about 6 Gigabytes of free space. The compilation of part (1) took nearly 2 hours. The rest took less than 0.5 hours.

Download the following to the directory /opt/gcc/:

binutils-2.19.1 (16M)
gcc-4.2.4 (42M)

Note #1: In order to compile the ADA compiler, you need a working ADA compiler (GNAT 3.14, or later) on your system.)
Note #2: There are several mirrors at
You need the following Win32 API and runtime files:

w32api-3.13 (1.2M) and mingwrt-3.15.2 (0.4M) from (Sometimes the mirror servers don't respond, then you need to go directly.)

Note #3: exists to mislead and hinder, rather than help.

It is best to upgrade your version of gmp and mpfr:

mpfr-2.4.1.tar.bz2 (1.1M) from
gmp-4.2.4.tar.bz2 (1.6M) from

It is assumed that you are the root user.

Note #4: In order to download all source files, use below commands.


Note #5: In Ubuntu, you need to use "passwd root", and specify the password for "root" account. In order to log in as "root" previledge, "su -" and type in the password that you specified just before. Once you see the prompt with "#", you are with "root" user.

(1) Compile a C,C++,Java,Fortran,ObjC,ObjC++,treelang compiler for Linux.

We do this to have an up-to-date compiler (actually, a collection of compilers) with which to compile the cross-compilers of steps 2 and 3. Beginning with an older compiler can lead to some complications. I did the build on a SuSE 10.0 Linux box. Using the installed compiler (version 4.0.2) worked for all steps except parts of (4) and all of (5). Using version 4.2.3 means that most things work.

Save all the packages to the directory /gcc/. Go there and unpack everything:

mkdir /gcc; cd /gcc
for a in *.tar.*; do tar xf $a; done

(unpacks everything)

mkdir binutils-linux-linux binutils-linux-win32 binutils-win32-win32 binutils-win32-linux

cd /gcc/binutils-linux-linux
make install

cd /gcc; mkdir gmp-linux gmp-win32

cd /gcc/gmp-linux
make install

The make install script runs the command ldconfig -n /usr/local/lib. It turns out that this is not sufficient, you need to run ldconfig (as root). This updates the file so that it knows to use the newly installed gmp library, rather than some older, pre-existing, gmp library. In particular, you want the compilation of the mpfr library to use the correct version of gmp.


cd /gcc; mkdir mpfr-linux mpfr-win32

cd /gcc/mpfr-linux
make install

Similarly, if you have some pre-existing version of the mpfr library, then you need to run ldconfig again. You should probably run ldconfig again, in any case, just to be on the safe side.


cd /gcc; mkdir gcc-linux-linux gcc-linux-win32 gcc-win32-win32 gcc-win32-linux

cd /gcc/gcc-linux-linux
/gcc/gcc-4.2.3/configure --enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,java,objc,obj-c++,treelang
make install

So that version 4.2.3 does not interfere with your older installed compiler, it will be installed in /usr/local/. To use it, instead of the installed compiler, you need to have /usr/local/bin first on your path. You arrange this with:

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH; echo $PATH

(2) Compile a C cross-compiler for Linux.

This C cross-compiler will run on your Linux system and create binaries, from Linux C code, that will run on a Windows system. We need to use this cross-compiler to compile the Win32 API and runtime libraries.

cd /gcc/binutils-linux-win32
/gcc/binutils-2.18.50/configure --target=i686-pc-mingw32
make install

cp -r /gcc/{mingw-runtime-3.14,w32api-3.11}/include /usr/local/i686-pc-mingw32
ln -s w32api-3.11 w32api

cd /gcc/gcc-linux-win32/
/gcc/gcc-4.2.3/configure --target=i686-pc-mingw32 \
--with-headers=/usr/local/i686-pc-mingw32/include \
make install

cd /gcc/w32api-3.11
./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
make install

cd /gcc/mingw-runtime-3.14
./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
make install

The files in /usr/local/i686-pc-mingw32, will be used for cross-compiling Linux programs to run on Windows.

(3) Compile a C,C++,Java,Fortran,ObjC,ObjC++ cross-compiler for Linux.

The C cross-compiler is compiled again, along with the other languages. This cross-compiler is run on your Linux box and compiles binaries, from Linux code, that will run on a Windows system. That is, it compiles Linux source code, so that the resulting binaries will run, unaltered, on Windows.

rm -fr /gcc/gcc-linux-win32
mkdir /gcc/gcc-linux-win32
cd /gcc/gcc-linux-win32

/gcc/gcc-4.2.3/configure --target=i686-pc-mingw32 \
--with-headers=/usr/local/i686-pc-mingw32/include \
make install

Know you need to run ldconfig to tell all the other programs where to find the necessary libraries:


(4) Compile a C,C++,Java,Fortran,ObjC,ObjC++ compiler for Windows.

This compiler is a native Windows compiler. That is, it runs on a Windows box. It compiles Windows source code and the resulting binaries will run on Windows. When compiling C++, this compiler will do the same job as Visual C++ or C++ Builder.

export CC="i686-pc-mingw32-gcc"; echo $CC

mkdir /mingw
cp -r /usr/local/i686-pc-mingw32/{include,lib} /mingw

The configure script expects to find the system headers and libraries in /mingw, so we have arranged for them to be there.

cd /gcc/binutils-win32-win32
/gcc/binutils-2.18.50/configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
--target=i686-pc-mingw32 \
make install

cd /gcc/gmp-win32
/gcc/gmp-4.2.2/configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
make install
/gcc/gmp-4.2.2/configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
make install

cd /gcc/mpfr-win32
/gcc/mpfr-2.3.1/configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
make install
/gcc/mpfr-2.3.1/configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
make install

The reason for the second installs into /mingw, is that the libtool libraries, i.e., the .la files, have their destination directory hard-coded into them, so you can not simply copy them from /usr/local/i686-pc-mingw32/lib to /mingw/lib.

The files that end up in /mingw will be transfered to C:\mingw on your Windows box.

cd /gcc/gcc-win32-win32
/gcc/gcc-4.2.3/configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--target=i686-pc-mingw32 \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
--enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,java,objc,obj-c++ \
make install

(5) Compile a C,C++,Java,Fortran cross-compiler for Windows.

This compiler runs on a Windows box. It compiles Windows source code and the resulting binaries will run unaltered on Linux. Ever wanted to compile VirtualDub so that it runs on Linux? This avoids having to port the source code.

cd /gcc/binutils-win32-linux
/gcc/binutils-2.18.50/configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
--target=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
make install

cd /gcc/gcc-win32-linux
/gcc/gcc-4.2.3/configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
--target=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--enable-languages=c,c++,fortran,java \
--disable-libgomp \
make install

Now you copy everything in /mingw to C:\mingw on a Windows box and start compiling there. After you have compiled your Windows program, say VirtualDub, on your Windows computer, you transfer the resulting executable back to Linux and run it there. Of course, for most compilations you will also need to compile a version of the make program for Windows. You can compile the make program for Windows, on your Linux box, by using the cross-compiler you built in step (3).

(6) How to use the cross-compiler you built in step 3.

As a quick example of how to use the cross-compiler you built in step 3. Download the Linux make program to /gcc/:

make-3.81.tar.bz2 from

export CC="i686-pc-mingw32-gcc"; echo $CC
cd /gcc; tar xf make-3.81.tar.bz2; cd /gcc/make-3.81
./configure --build=i686-pc-linux-gnu \
--host=i686-pc-mingw32 \
make install

Now copy make.exe to C:\mingw\bin on your Windows box. Easy, isn't it?

(7) Adding the language ADA to the mix.

Download the following binary gnat package to /gcc/:

gnat-3.15p-i686-pc-redhat71-gnu-bin.tar.bz2 (12M) from

tar xf gnat-3.15p-i686-pc-redhat71-gnu-bin.tar.bz2
cd /gcc/gnat-3.15p-i686-pc-linux-gnu-bin/

Run the script doconfig entering /gcc/gnat for the installation directory. Then run doinstall.

./doconfig; ./doinstall

Follow the instructions of section (1), until the compilation of the compiler itself.

Then set your PATH variable so that you use the ADA-understanding compiler that you have just installed.

export PATH=/gcc/gnat/bin:$PATH; echo $PATH

Now compile the compiler of section (1), with one small change. Namely, add ada to the --enable-languages option.

cd /gcc/gcc-linux-linux
/gcc/gcc-4.2.3/configure \
make install

Then reset you PATH variable and continue from section (2), as above, except adding ada to the --enable-languages option.

export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH; echo $PATH

You could also try the compiler in gnat-gpl-2007-i686-gnu-linux-libc2.3-bin.tar.gz (75M) from Unfortunately, gcc-4.2.3 does not compile at all and gcc-4.3.0 does not compile outside the sources.

If at any time you need to know which compiler you are using, just enter the command:

gcc -v

Using built-in specs.
Target: i686-pc-linux-gnu
Configured with: /gcc/gcc-4.2.3/configure --enable-languages=c,ada,c++,fortran,java,objc,obj-c++,treelang
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.2.3

The compiler in the gnat package is gcc version 2.8.1. Ancient, but worked like a charm.

(8) Using the Compiler you built in step 1.

The first thing to note, is that the "obvious"
gcc program.f


do not work.

The Fortran front-end is gfortran. It is used as
gfortran program.f

gcc -lgfortranbegin -lgfortran program.f

also works.

The Java front-end is gcj. The following incantations can be used to compile Java
gcj --main=program

(compile to C++ object file, a.out)

(execute the C++ object file, a.out)
gcj -C

(compile to Java bytecode file, program.class)
gij program

(execute the bytecode, program.class, with the GCC Java Virtual Machine)

To compile ObjC code, use
gcc -lobjc program.m

If you mix ObjC code and C++ code in the same files, you call the resulting mixture, ObjC++ code. It is apparently compiled in the same way as ObjC code. You are totally on your own for treelang.

To compile ADA code, use
gnat make program.adb

(9) General Remarks.

Since it is difficult to cut and paste many of the above commands, here is the script I used for the project.

If you are building on an older PC, replace i686 by i386, everywhere in the above.

For AMD-64, the script config.guess, gives x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu. It seems you can put any word in place of unknown, or no word at all. So configure with something like:

./configure --build=x86_64-linux-gnu \
--host=x86_64-linux-gnu \

I actually used x86_64-pc-linux-gnu and am assuming that x86_64-linux-gnu will work.

If you have a multilib system, like Debian, you may want to compile both 32-bit and 64-bit libraries for gcc. You need to have all the standard 32-bit libraries installed. On Debian, make sure you have the links:

ln -s /lib /lib64
ln -s /emul/ia32-linux/lib /lib32
ln -s /usr/lib /usr/lib64
ln -s /emul/ia32-linux/usr/lib /usr/lib32

The compilation will fail, for gcc-4.2.3, unless you use the --disable-multilib configuration option, or you create the (secret) link:

ln -s /emul/ia32-linux/lib /usr/local/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/lib/32

For gcc-4.3.0 the above link appears to be unnecessary (4.3.0 has other problems).

I have been running short on space and over time have deleted all my Windows partitions. As soon as I get around to reinstalling Windows, I will let you know how the Windows compilers work. I have now done this. There are weird problems with the Fortran compiler and the Java Virtual Machine, gij, is mysteriously missing. C C++ ObjC and ObjC++ seem OK, at least for simple programs. The compilers were run from an XP cmd window. I only looked at the native Windows compilers. I will look at the cross compilers at some later date.

By the way, if you wish to both watch, and record, the output of the compilation, you can do this:

./configure 2>&1 | tee log.configure
make 2>&1 | tee log.make
make install 2>&1 | tee log.install


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